Form V – Trip to the Jeanie Johnston and Epic Museum
Learning about the Irish Famine
Following their exploration of the key events and course of the Irish Famine in the Autumn Term, Form V went on an educational trip to the Jeanie Johnston Famine ship and the Epic Museum on November 29th.
The Jeanie Johnston
The Jeanie Johnston is a replica of the original ship, which sailed between 1848 and 1858. Unlike many ships sailing across the Atlantic then, not one of its passengers died on board. Our guide, Catriona, had many fascinating anecdotes to tell of the crew and passengers of the Jeanie Johnston. She praised our pupils for their background knowledge, engagement, and perceptive questions.

Form V also thoroughly enjoyed the Epic Museum, which uses many stylish interactive computer screens to focus on Irish emigration from the 1600s to modern times. The museum highlights the achievements of Irish people on the world stage in areas such as science, literature, politics, sport and music.
You can read more about the Jeanie Johnston HERE
Mr Meade (Form V Teacher)