Extra Curricular
Prep Department
An extensive programme of extra-curricular activities is on offer every afternoon between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. Pupils sign up for an activity for a minimum of one term. Before the beginning of each term, bookings are made via the Parent Portal.
The hobbies available include full Art, Music, Sports, Library and ICT programmes. Currently on offer are activities such as Basketball, Chess, Choir, Coding, Construction, Dance, Debating, Diamond Craft, Drama, Forest School, Hockey, Lego, Library, Film Making, Robotics, Rugby, Science Club, Minecraft, Sewing, and Soccer.
Day Care is available from 4:45pm each day, see Day Care.
Early Years Department
Pupils in Junior and Senior Infants can enrol for individual piano tuition. Booking forms are distributed at the start of the School year and are processed by the School Office.
Swimming lessons for pupils over 4 years of age, are also available and may be booked at the Swim Academy Office.
Music Lessons
Children in Junior & Senior Infants and throughout the Prep department may choose to study piano with one of our visiting teachers. Individual or small group lessons in guitar, strings, woodwind, voice and percussion are also available for children in the Prep department.
These lessons are booked on an annual basis and billed in advance, along with any additional costs such as music books, equipment or examination fees supplied. One full term’s notice is required should your child wish to cease tuition.