Census 2016
The children in Pre-Prep have been learning about the Census and why it happens. They were told that every five years the people in charge of Ireland must find out how many people live here. Counting everyone on the same day is very important. It shows them where people live and this will help them to be able to make big decisions for planning for the future, for example, we might need more hospitals or hotels for people to stay in. We decided to conduct our own census and the children in PP3 will be making data charts over the coming weeks to display our results. We wanted to find out the following – the number of girls & boys; how many 3, 4,5 and 6 year olds; how many children have pets?

The pupils in the Prep Department enjoyed learning all about the Census too. They found out why we have a Census and the importance of completing the forms on Census Night, 24th April. Pupils worked on various activities ranging from creating a new Census to comparing professions in 1916, 1966 and 2016. Pupils also had a number of questions such as “Are you counted if you are in a hotel?” and “Why is the Census alway held on a Sunday?”