Leave A Legacy

Be Part Of Castle Park School Forever

Remembering Castle Park School in your Will is one of the most personal and significant ways you can help our school, support the future of Castle Park School, and generations of boys and girls.

Legacy gifts often take the form of a specific sum of money or a percentage of a person’s estate. All legacy gifts, whatever type or size, play a vital role in our work and can have a transformative impact.

Currently, our priority is to establish and expand our Access Programme to enable more talented children, no matter their background, to receive the opportunity of a Castle Park School education. However, legacy gifts can also be directed to other areas of benefit, such as academic/extra-curricular prizes or capital developments.

We are hugely indebted to those who have recognised the importance of providing for the long-term financial support of Castle Park School in this way.

How To Pledge A Gift In Your Will

You can print out and complete a paper version of our legacy pledge form.

If you would have questions about leaving a legacy to Castle Park School, please contact our Head of Communications, Development and Alumni at jharvey@castleparkschool.ie or on 01 2803037.

If you are an executor or solicitor acting on behalf of an estate, please use these details to contact us so we can assist in achieving the intentions stated.

For general independent advice about leaving a gift in your Will to charity, you can visit the LawOnline website.

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