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    A Visit from the Dentist

    A Visit from Dentist Tom to the Montessori Department

    Many thanks to Mia’s father, Dentist Tom from the Seapoint Clinic, who paid a visit to the Montessori department on Wednesday morning, along with three dental nurses from the Clinic.

    Learning About Teeth in the Social, Personal & Health Development Curriculum

    The children have been learning all about their teeth over the last few weeks as part of their Social, Personal & Health Development curriculum. They have been engaged in various activities and projects to understand the importance of dental care.

    Displaying Project Work in the Corridor

    As a result of their learning, the children have created some lovely project work related to dental care, which is now displayed in the corridor. These projects showcase their understanding and creativity when it comes to taking care of their teeth.

    Interactive Discussion on Tooth Care

    During the visit, Tom brought masks and gloves for each child to wear while he spoke to them about caring for their teeth. The children actively participated in an animated discussion about tooth-friendly food and drinks.

    Counting Teeth and Excitement for the Tooth Fairy

    The children were eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm about teeth with Tom. They excitedly counted the number of teeth each of them had and expressed their anticipation for the tooth fairy’s arrival once their baby teeth begin to fall out.

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