Dipping our toes into Dahl
2016 is set to be an important year for Roald Dahl fans as it marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl’s birth. In addition, an adaptation of his 1982 children’s novel, the BFG, is set to arrive in cinemas next summer. Towards the end of the Autumn Term, each year group in the School undertook a Dahl Focus and incorporated some aspect of one of his children’s novels into their English Curriculum. The activity took everyone on some interesting and exciting adventures………. In Pre-Prep One the children developed their imagination skills by describing how they would use their Magic Finger. Pre-Prep Two’s visualisation skills were harnessed to create their own Roly Poly Birds, while in Pre-Prep Three fantastic chocolate bars were concocted for Willy Wonka. In the Prep Department Form I invented a new trick for The Enormous Crocodile and Form II worked on the use of adjectives and alliteration in describing Fantastic Mr Fox. Form III invented and then described a new Marvellous Medicine for George’s Grandma Kranky and Form IV analysed Despicable Characters throughout Dahl’s work, rating their top three and explaining why they ranked them this way. Form V focussed on The Witches, looking at characterisation Form VI explored the features of suspense writing inspired by The Green Mamba.