Maths Day Activities
Pre-Prep children worked with a special visitor, Carol-Ann O’Siorain, on recognizing repeated patterns in music and number, they also explored the School building and grounds, counting, estimating and looking for various patterns and shapes. Form I also looked at patterns in Music and number. After, they moved between various Maths stations looking at real-life examples of capacity, measurement and weight. Forms II, III, IV & V designed various rooms in their ideal house picking, choosing and costing from Argos & Ikea catalogues, working within a budget. Form VI enjoyed listening and interacting with Eoin McCuirc after his very informative Assembly on statistics. They also demonstrated their leadership skills by checking their peers’ work on their budgets and transferring their designs for various household items and objects looking at scale.

After break, pupils took part in a Maths Trail around the School answering various Maths related questions about the building and grounds. In the afternoon they drew life size portraits of their bodies focusing on questions relative to their body, for example the length from their fingertips to their elbow. All these activities were completed within their House groups and gave the children plenty of opportunity to earn House points. The overall winner of this House competition will be announced next week along with the winners of the Maths Eyes Competition.