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    Steam Day 2018

    Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Day took place on Friday 12th October. In previous years this day has solely focused on Mathematics, but recently the focus has been expanded so that pupils can engage in activities connecting all five areas.

    The theme for the day: “A Healthy Body in a Healthy Mind” (based on the School motto) was used to link all the STEAM subjects. The whole school timetable was set aside for the day and Prep pupils rotated around the school, completing various tasks and activities. In Music, pupils explored the importance of good breathing technique for singing and how singing can help you breathe more deeply. Calm breathing exercises and warm up songs were used to demonstrate improved breath control. In the Sports Hall, the children could be seen taking and comparing resting and active heart rates, whilst in ICT pupils designed, built and programmed robots in small teams. The programmes that were written informed and instructed an audience on how to stay healthy both physically and mentally. In the area of Science, the children focused on lung capacity and how it is measured. They measured reflexes. They also learnt how to make and use a skipping rope from recycled materials. In the Art department, the children produced human spirographs and learnt about body proportion whilst carrying out abstract artwork.

    Languages were also incorporated into the activities and pupils had the opportunity to create their own robots out of recycled materials and label the different parts of the body in French. Maths activities, linked to the theme, were carried out with form teachers in the afternoon, and the day concluded with a quiet period of reflection for all of the children. Some took part in meditations, others carried out mindful breathing exercises, while others engaged in silent reading sessions.

    In the Pre-Prep Department, the pupils were also engaged in STEAM activities both in their classrooms and outdoors. Science experiments, work on iPads and sessions working with the robotics resources were all part of the schedule. In addition, Maths and Art activities took place before the day concluded with a mindfulness session.


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