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    The Latest News from Senior Infants

    Busy as Bees

    Latest News from Senior Infants

    Senior Infants have been buzzing with activity in the Summer Term, from fine-tuning addition skills to learning about the importance of protecting the Earth.

    Fine-Tuning Addition Skills and Measuring Lengths

    Initially, we focused on refining the children’s addition skills and exploring number bonds up to 10. We also incorporated play dough snakes to demonstrate the concepts of shortest and longest while measuring lengths.

    Exploring the World of Gaeilge and Storytelling

    In our Gaeilge lessons, we delved into the theme of ‘Sa Bhaile’ (At Home) and enjoyed hearing the story of the Fear Sinséir – The Gingerbread Man. In addition, the storytelling activities helped the children develop their listening and comprehension skills.

    Thinking About Protecting Planet Earth

    Our show-and-tell book about David Attenborough led us to reflect on Earth Day, which took place last Saturday. It was an excellent opportunity to encourage the children to think about ways to protect the environment by doing small everyday things like recycling or turning off lights when leaving a room.

    Admiring the Beauty of Cherry Blossom Trees

    One of the highlights of the past couple of weeks was walking to see the beautiful pink flowers on the cherry blossom trees on the front pitch. The trees’ beauty looked like the Japanese-inspired paintings we created in class, and the fallen cherry blossom flowers made for a perfect playground for the children.

    An image of the childrens cherry blossom paintings and text

    Engaging in a Variety of Educational Experiences

    In summary, our days in Senior Infants have been full of excitement as we engage in various educational experiences, explore different subjects, and appreciate the wonders of the world around us. We are thrilled to see how much the children have grown and learned in the Summer Term and can’t wait to see what the rest of the term has in store for us.  Keep an eye on the Latest News section for more news from Senior Infants.

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    Two children from Senior Infants holding on to a tree, having fun  

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