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    Art Exhibition Photo Book

    The 2022/23 End-Of-Year

    At Castle Park School, we believe art is a vital part of education, nurturing creativity and critical thinking in children. Our private primary school recently hosted the annual end-of-year art exhibition. The transformed hallway, known as “The Street,” showcased vibrant paintings, captivating sculptures, and intricate 3D models created by our talented pupils.

    From storytelling paintings, self-portraits to imaginative sculptures, our young artists demonstrated their skills and passion.  Collaborative art projects fostered teamwork, and the event engaged the wider community. The exhibition celebrated a year of artistic growth and achievement, reminding us of the importance of art in education.

    We’ve compiled an Art Exhibition digital photo book using photos taken at this year’s Art Exhibition; please see below:

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    If you enjoyed the Art Exhibition photo book please visit our Issuu page, where you can see lots more, including School Musical and Sports Day photo books.


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